Construction WHS

Welding fumes and radiation cause lung and eye cancer, possibly kidney cancer

In 2018, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified welding fumes as “carcinogenic to humans”, an upgrade on its previous 1989 status as a “possible” cancer-causing agent. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from welding was also classified as carcinogenic, while molybdenum trioxide – a chemical sometimes used in welding – was classified as possibly carcinogenic […]

6 years ago

Guide to stormwater management in construction

Stormwater management in construction is critical, with the primary goal in both commercial and DIY projects being to prevent building site by-products from entering stormwater drains. It is illegal to discharge any pollutants into a stormwater system, that is, anything other than rainwater, so careful site planning is imperative. Failure to plan can cause costly […]

6 years ago

Are toolbox safety talks required? How to run a successful one

Businesses are legally required to ensure the health and safety of their workers, and toolbox safety talks are a popular and proven step in helping fulfil that requirement. They provide an excellent forum for employers to fulfil their legal obligation of consulting with workers around situations which may affect their health and safety, according to […]

6 years ago

Women driven from construction industry by misogynistic culture

Women make up only 3 per cent of Australia’s construction workforce, with the misogynistic culture driving people away from the industry, according to a March 2018 report by Construction Skills Queensland. And most women who are in the industry are working outside of the core construction trades of electrical, carpentry and plumbing where they comprise […]

7 years ago

45 per cent of construction tradies cannot identify asbestos

Three quarters of common construction tradespeople have never received any training on working with, handling or disposing of asbestos, while 45 per cent have trouble identifying asbestos. The results come from a survey of 240 West Australian carpenters, painters, plumbers and electricians led by a Curtin University’s Behavioural Research Group director, Geoffrey Jalleh. The results […]

7 years ago

Asbestos and Fires: Non-conforming building products safety

The June 2016 discovery of asbestos in 150 roof panels in Perth’s new children’s hospital, despite their being certified, is the latest in a string of safety issues with imported construction products. The discovery followed a February 2016 announcement that products containing asbestos had been found in concrete fibre sheeting at 64 other Australian building […]

8 years ago

Cold hands: dangers and prevention on-site

Working with cold hands will reduce performance and may increase the likelihood of accidents as a result of decreased dexterity, according to a Dutch research paper titled The hand in the cold: performance and risk. Cold weather also increases the risk of working in winter with dangers such as frostbite and reduced sensation in the […]

9 years ago

Nearly all construction workers exposed to carcinogens: 2016 Report

Almost all construction industry workers are regularly exposed to potentially cancer-causing carcinogens, according to the Australian Work Exposures Study: Construction Industry Report published in May 2016. Using research based on a sample of 459 workers, the report estimated that 96% had a probable exposure to at least one carcinogen while 53% had a probable exposure to […]

9 years ago

Managers Contributing to Poor Diets among Construction Tradies

Managers have a significant influence over construction workers’ diets, however are hesitant to try and influence healthy eating despite it improving safety, according to a Griffith University research paper. The study, which looks to be published in the Journal of Construction, Management and Economics, surveyed 250 construction workers and interviewed 80 managers and workers. The […]

9 years ago

Wet weather risks and safety precautions for construction workers

Wet weather poses numerous risks for construction workers. Hence, as part of WHS, it is critical that workers and employees on site recognise and manage these risks. What to Expect Senior Safety Advisor at HIA Safety Services, Rick Little identifies the most common wet weather dangers as “slips, trips and falls”. He says these dangers […]

9 years ago