DIY Safety

What are the world’s safest and most dangerous countries?

Australia is the 22nd safest country in the world according to a 2017 World Economic Forum (WEF) analysis of 136 countries. The analysis formed part of the WEF’s 2017 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report with the safety and security pillar measuring the extent to which a country exposes tourists and businesses to security risks mainly […]

7 years ago

Christmas is the season for increased injuries and hospitalisations

The Christmas festive season sees an increase in accidents requiring hospitalisation as a result of toys, home renovations, falls, food poisoning, alcohol consumption and even champagne corks, but despite common belief there is NO evidence of increased vehicle accidents.  NSW emergency department data analysed by the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) for the period 2001 […]

8 years ago

PPE and safety considerations for DIY

Serious injuries to do-it-yourself (DIY) home handymen are commonplace and rising due to a lack of experience, knowledge and failure to use the appropriate PPE. Power saws, grinders, welder, lawn mowers and ladders are the most common causes of injury, with males five times more likely to be injured than females, according to the Injury […]

10 years ago