Extreme Sports Safety

Safety in the ring: Bullfighting at rodeos

Putting yourself in the way of a charging bull might not make sense to some, but for Darryl Chong, it’s just part of his job protecting the bull riders who compete at rodeos. “Rodeo protection athletes are basically bodyguards,” he said, speaking to ProChoice Safety Gear. “Our job is to distract the bull after the […]

6 years ago

Big wave surfing: how smart choices, training and staying calm impacts safety and survival

Surfing and the workplace may seem worlds apart, but big wave surfer and MMA fighter, Richie ‘Vas’ Vaculik says the processes for staying safe have more in common than you might think. Being prepared: Having surfed some of the world’s most dangerous waves, Richie Vas knows a thing or two about the importance of preparation […]

6 years ago

Cave diving safety applied to OHS

Cave diving presents significant risk to participants however due to strict training and risk management procedures in Australia, it has an extremely low fatality rate. Pro Safety Gear takes a closer look. In July 2018, cave diving fuelled international headlines as the world nervously awaited the rescue of a Thai soccer team trapped in the […]

7 years ago

Hearing protection for workers in the V8 Supercar pits

The roar of V8 supercars sparks excitement for the crowd, but for pit-stop workers, the loud noises bring numerous risks, including hearing loss and tinnitus. Pro Safety takes a look at risk management and hearing protection in the pits.    The supercar industry is filled with hazards and risks – from car accidents, to problems […]

7 years ago