Hi Vis

Reduce Workplace Injuries by Staying Seen this Winter


Now that daylight savings is over it means the days are getting shorter personnel around work sites are harder to see. This should be a reminder of the value of hi vis work apparel. The ProChoice range includes a range of not only vests but Hi Vis PPE including ear muffs, gloves & hard hats.

The ProChoice hi vis vest selection includes Orange and Yellow, with or without a choice of approved reflective tape configurations. Allowing workers to take vest homes with them can be useful for workers who ride bikes or jog to or from work.

Work Safe Australia reported that in 2008-2009 (the latest survey period) 444 people lost their lives in the workplace with 286 dying of injuries sustained in the course of work activities. Of these 286 workplace fatalities, 100 people died in road related trauma. Better visibility of personnel working along roadsides has gained a greater focus over recent years and lead to the mandatory use of fluorescent garments and reflective materials.

However its not just the visibility of the workers that can cause trauma. The visibility of roadside objects and vehicles can also contribute to workplace injury.

ProChoice provides a comprehensive range of reflective barriers and tapes that can help make roads and paths to and from work sites, safer, specifically in the winter months.

Road repair zones are responsible for higher accident rates than non-work sections because of the unexpected and unfamiliar road environment. The use of hi vis / reflective cones, markers, tapes and barriers can be used to create safer, cost-effective road work conditions. Hi vis reflective markings can significantly improve personal visibility and worker safety, but are also a relatively low-cost and practical solution to improve the visibility of vehicles and objects in any roadside workplace.

Make this winter a brighter one by making people and hazards more visible, and be assured… hi vis vests will not fade when daylight saving comes around again at the end of the year.


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