Personal Protective Equipment

Safety and PPE working in cold storage

Working in Cold Storage Workers in cold storage environments are at risk of cold stress, making personal protective equipment (PPE) a critical last line of defence against frostbite, hypothermia and death. According to WorkSafe Victoria’s Safe Operations of Cold Storage Facilities Handbook, a cold environment is defined as one in which greater than normal bodily […]

4 years ago

ProChoice Safety gloves saved Arda’s hand in angle grinder incident

A 29-year old man has escaped with minor scratches and a small fracture to his hand after a DIY project went wrong.

Arda Hancioglu (pictured) was using an angle grinder to create a fire pit for his backyard when the cutting disc broke and he lost control of the tool.

4 years ago

Increasing opioid use in Australia likely to impact blue collar industries

As Australia heads into an opioid crisis, the extent of illicit drug use among blue collar workers is of increasing concern, especially given the associated safety risks.

While illegal opioids, such as heroin, may immediately spring to mind, misuse of prescription opioids, including morphine and oxycodone, is a more significant problem.

6 years ago

How long does PPE last and which products have an expiry date?

Some critical PPE has an expiry or “best before” date. Its ability to deliver the protection it was designed for is compromised thereafter. It is the responsibility of the user to always inspect PPE before use to ensure it is in good working condition. Safety harnesses, hard hats, disposable respirators and sunscreen are four key […]

7 years ago

Choosing safety glasses vs goggles vs face shields

Comparing Eye Protection Regarding PPE and eye protection, which situations does choosing safety glasses vs goggles vs face shields fare better? Apparently, Australians suffer around 50.000 eye injuries every year even though many of them were wearing eye protection at the time of their injury. Surprisingly, safety eyewear is often incorrectly fitted. In addition, it […]

7 years ago

Warning over Christmas DIY injuries – what you need to know

Whether it’s re-doing the garden, transforming a living room or renovating the kitchen, many Australians love spending their summer holidays on a household project. The festive season sees a surge in ‘do-it-yourselfers’ with home renovation retailers like Bunnings bracing for their busiest period – sales increased by 23 per cent in the Christmas quarter compared […]

7 years ago

Safety and PPE when working with chemicals

How to avoid chemical exposure, eliminate hazards and manage safety with PPE? Working with chemicals cause numerous short and long term health and safety hazards. These include organ damage and cancer, respiratory, skin and eye irritation and potential explosion, fire and smoke related injuries. Chemicals are apparent and exposed to people when they inhale vapours, […]

7 years ago

Celebrating 25 Years of Paramount Safety

(Activate “fullscreen” mode for best viewing experience)

7 years ago

Controlling PPE quality and price with strict supply chain management

Strict supply chain management is critical in ensuring effective quality control and products that are sourced from reputable trading partners. ProChoice Safety Gear’s, Bill Vocisano’s job involves travelling the world, inspecting factories, screening contractors and facilitating independent audits to ensure processes and products are of the highest quality. He said these sourcing techniques and years […]

8 years ago

Air Quality Testing and Standards Compliance

Air quality testing is critical for businesses to ensure they are protecting employees; especially since inhalation of airborne contaminants is the most common cause of chemical exposure. Australian exposure standards have been set for approximately 700 chemicals, however the standards represents a statutory upper limit rather than an exposure which should be considered acceptable, according […]

8 years ago